Sunday, December 30, 2007

365 Days of Merlin

For those of you familiar with Merlin Mann, you know that his turns of phrase can be quite unique and nearly always hilarious. John Hofman complied 365 different Merlin sayings; one for each day of the year. It's available in several different formats: 

To download a PDF copy of Merlin's Mannerisms from, click here.

On the Cranking Widgets blog there are a couple more formats available, one of which is a iCal calendar version, so you can get your little dose of Merlin on every day of 2008 (this is what I have). Check out the page here.

To fully appreciate and understand many of these quotes, it helps to be able to be familiar with Merlin, either through listening to one of the numerous podcasts that he is on (MacBreak Weekly is my favorite and actually where many of the quotes are from) or from listening to one of his talks, such as the Inbox Zero talk he recently did at Google (check it out on Google Video).

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