Tuesday, October 30, 2007

iPod Touch Jailbreak Resources

Here are some links that I found helpful while I was jailbreaking my Touch:

Touchdev guide on jailbreaking the Touch (this is a different procedure, but there are parts that can be helpful after the initial jailbreak).
Helpful Forum post on SSH (SFTP) into the Touch (needed to add files to the Touch as well as NES ROMs).
Haven't really looked at this guide but it looks like it could be useful.
Once you have it jailbroken, Erica Sadun from TUAW gives a nice guide for some further ideas here.

Nintendo Emulator:
NES Emulator

Also... I've been using the Cyberduck FTP client to access my iPod, it works like a charm, I'd recommend it.


Anonymous said...

Any idea how to fix YouTube after a person Jailbreaks an iPod Touch?

Patrick said...

I don't know how to do that. I luckily haven't had that problem when I've jailbroken my Touch. Maybe consult the iPod Touch Fans forum Mod area here: http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=3

Hopefully there's something good in there!