Sunday, August 17, 2008

Going from A to B

As mentioned in a previous post, I've been helping my mother get up and running on her new MacBook Air. While doing so, however, I've been sort of reexamining my own Mac usage. Not directly related to this, but also happening at the same time, I've been reexamining the system that I use to track tasks and to do's and all that. 

I'm very interested in David Allen's GTD system and many of the spin-offs that have been created and I'm trying to implement a modification of it for myself. I'm trying to find what works, and what doesn't, and fashion a system that works for me. 

While helping my mother get her Mac set up, I've noticed peculiar habits that I have and things that I do on my Mac, most often without really thinking about them. I go from A to Z without really thinking about A to B. Helping my mother (and in general helping or talking about this stuff with anyone other than myself) has really made me analyze this stuff A to B. I've really realized the truth behind what Merlin Mann says about talking to other people about productivity systems. To paraphrase what he said on the Apple Phone Show #65, talking to people about a lot of this productivity stuff is like trying to sell them on your favorite condiment, when it gets down to it, it's really a matter of personal choice. 

So I'm going to write a series of posts on things of this sort, as I try to deconstruct A to B... 

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